A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold. – Proverbs 22:1

Sewer Camera Inspections

What is a Sewer Scope?

A sewer scope is a video inspection of the lateral sewer line leading from the house at/near the foundation and connecting to the city or HOA tap or septic tank. A lateral sewer line is the privately-owned pipeline connecting the property to the publicly-owned main sewer line, HOA tap, or septic tank.

Sewer-scoping the line can reveal blockages, damage to the pipe system, and other problems, which are vital for homeowners and home buyers to be aware of. For example, if there is a damp depression in the lawn above the sewer line, or if there is backflow into the home, or if contaminants have been discovered in the potable water supply, a sewer scope inspection can be critical to identifying and confirming these problems, which must be addressed immediately.

Get Your Inspection Done Today!

With 25 years of combined experience in residential and industrial construction and advanced training through various organizations, you can rest assured that you’re hiring the best!

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